3 Idiots full movie download HD 720p filmywap

3 Idiots is the 2009 Indian Hindi-language coming-of-age comedy-drama film director Rajkumar Hirani. Also, co-writer him with Abhijat Joshi. And, the film stars Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Kareena Kapoor, Boman Irani, and Omi Vaidya. Also, the film follows the friendship of three students at an Indian engineering college and is a satire about the social pressures under an Indian education system. Also the film describes through parallel dramas, one in the present and the other ten years in the past.

And also, producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra under the banner Vinod Chopra Films and base on Chetan Bhagat’s novel and Five Point Someone: What not to do at IIT. And also the film incorporated fundamental Indian inventions created by Remya Jose, Mohammad Idris, Jahangir Painter, and Sonam Wangchuk.

3 idiots

About the Movie

Director: Rajkumar Hirani

Producer: Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Writer: Abhijat Joshi Rajkumar Hirani

Script: Abhijat Joshi Rajkumar Hirani Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Based: Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat

Starring: Aamir Khan R. Madhavan Sharman Joshi and Kareena Kapoor Boman Irani, and Omi Vaidya

Narrater: R. Madhavan

Music: Score Sanjay Wandrekar Atul Raninga Shantanu Moitra Songs: Shantanu Moitra

Cinematography: C. K. Muraleedharan

Editor: Rajkumar Hirani

Production Company: Vinod Chopra Films

Distributer: Reliance BIG Pictures

Release date: 25 December 2009 (India)

Running time:171 minutes

Country: India

Languages: Hindi English

Budget: 550 million

Box office: 4.60 billion[est.]

How to Download and Watch 3 Idiots full movie?

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3 idiots

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More About 3 Idiots

Farhan and Raju form a prodigious bond with the Rancho in college due to his positive and refreshing outlook on life years later.  And also bet that gives them a chance to look for their long-lost friend whose existence seems elusive.

3 idiots


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