Manje Bistre 2 Full Movie Download

Manje Bistre 2 (2019) is the 2019 Indian-Punjabi comedy film written by Gippy Grewal and director Baljit Singh Deo. And it’s the second installment of the Manje Bistre series. And produce by Gippy Grewal under his banner Humble Motion Pictures; it stars Gippy Grewal and Simi Chahal in the lead with Gurpreet Ghuggi, Karamjit Anmol, B.N. Sharma and Sardar Sohi in supporting roles. The film revolves around Sukhi’s journey to Canada to attend his cousin’s marriage ceremony.

manje bistre 2

About the Movie

Director: Baljit Singh Deo

Producer: Gippy Grewal

Screenplay: Gippy Grewal

Stars: Gippy Grewal Simi Chahal Gurpreet Ghuggi and Karamjit Anmol

Music: Jay K Gurmeet Singh Soul Rockers Background

Score: Jatinder Shah

Cinematography: Baljit Singh Deo

Editor: Rohit Dhiman Baljit Singh Deo

Production company: Humble Motion Pictures

Distributors: White Hill Studios

Release date: 12 April 2019 (India)

Running time: 125 minutes

Country: India

Language: Punjabi

How to Download and Watch Manje Bistre 2 Full Movie Download?

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manje bistre 2

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More About Manje Bistre 2 Full Movie Download

Manje Bistre 2 is the 2019 Indian-Punjabi comedy film writer Gippy Grewal and director Baljit Singh Deo. And it’s the second installment of the Manje Bistre series. Also, the film revolves around Sukhi’s journey to Canada to attend his cousin’s marriage ceremony.

According to Box Office India, Manje Bistre 2 grossed ₹1.18 crore on its opening day in India, making it the 21st highest Punjabi opener in India. It was comparably shallow to prequel Manje Bistre which grossed ₹2.21 crore on its opening day. And in its opening weekend, the film netted ₹4.12 crore in India and ₹ five crores overseas, including a dollar 415,000 from North America.

manje bistre 2


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